Monday, September 14, 2009

this pic shows emphasis

This shows shapes

This is a symmetrical pic

This shows proportion because the woman is larger than everything else

This shows a variety of colours

This shows harmony

This shows movement beacause it looks like its moving

This shows shades because it starts off light and ends dark found by justin

This picture shows texture because it makes the wood look rougher than it may be

This pic shows colour beacuse there are various colours in this pic and it is bright

This picture shows lines beacuse it shows a circular pateren around a focal point which is the white spot and it just shows lines....

This demonstrates shapes because instead of having plain circles you have circles made into things such as flowers and stuff.


  1. Hey man,
    I really like your proportion picture its cool lol! good find

  2. your emphasis picture should have been used for proportion :S but that works for emphasis also.. next time ill say you should choose something different for emphasis!
    Good work.
